winchendon free speech
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Hey Ron C !!!

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Hey Ron C !!! Empty Hey Ron C !!!

Post  kevinb Sun Apr 05, 2015 8:56 am

I understand you love to mock my English writing. I am and can write ,spell and deliver a coherent message. I will agree with you I rush in between the responsibilities I have during my busy day. I do not proof read and spell check before I send it off. I do go back later and reread the post and make the necessary changes. thank you for the mocking.

I will now look at you and make a few observations about your strengths and weaknesses.

1) you seem to have a lot of time to sit in front of this screen and bash people, I look at your post and see you are either up Jim's ass or just sitting there posting crap. No Life? No Purpose other then being an A**hole?

2) you seem to be more concerned with other people personal lives and their families. What about yours? I see they make the paper often, Shouldn't you be concerned with their goals and objectives? Unless you have the same mindset and approve their behaviors and actions.

3) You Mock me and my writings, I can easily fix them with a thesaurus and spell check. But Can you Fix your family with these same tools. are you competent to make these changes. I am aware Jim is competent and his girls will be in the paper , but his girls will be in the paper for all the positive reasons.

In closing Ron C instead of pointing out and mocking weaknesses in others, how about working on the weaknesses in your own family. Step away from the computer and read a book about parenting, read a book on self improvement, read a book on how to be responsible.


Posts : 32
Join date : 2010-12-07

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Hey Ron C !!! Empty Bullying and the martial arts

Post  kevinb Mon Apr 06, 2015 8:10 am

Thank you Ron C for reading my site.

Bullying and the martial arts.

You are the text book example of a Bully finally being confronted, you have temper tantrum, played the victim and went back to mocking people on EASTER SUNDAY!!!
So what if I wrote on Easter Sunday, you did also. bullies will tell you do what I say not what I do. you have no life, you sit there day in and day out attacking people. Well what are you and the Backyard fence gonna do when the town vote tonight NO! a new Bos is Elected and Jim is shown the door with Just Cause .

I assume you will slink away and start posting about rainbows and unicorns, who will read post on the backyard fence after all the town drama is gone. you,ME and ME two will only have each other to talk too.

I will not be at the meeting tonight, because I have a real business and a life  that demands my time. I will vote at the election by absentee ballot. I would say Ron C it's safe to go into the bathrooms but with you there my concern is for the children  utilizing the bathroom with you present. Not in the paper?, that chaulk name seems to be in the sentinel, telegram, courier. hmm the names , Ellen,domestic. trespass, emerald street pops up also. hmm. someone is confused.

Ron How about finding a new hobby? one where you do not judge others. life can be good for everyone, just stop being a Dic*.


Posts : 32
Join date : 2010-12-07

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